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born in são paulo_ brazil_ 1955_ lives and works in são paulo


Célia Euvaldo (born in São Paulo, Brazil, 1995) currently lives and works in São Paulo. Her first solo exhibitions, in 1988, were displayed at Galeria Macunaima (Funarte, Rio de Janeiro) in 1989, and at Centro Cultural São Paulo. In the same year she was awarded at “Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas”.

In the 90’s she organized solo exhibitions at Galeria Paulo Figueredo Gallery (1991 and 1993) and at Galeria Marília Razuk (1996 and 1999), both in São Paulo; at Casa da Imagem, in Curitiba (1995) and at Pao Imperial, in Rio de Janeiro (1995 and 1999). She was a participant in numerous collective exhibitions such as “Panorama da Arte Atual Brasileira” at Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (1990) and “Influência Poética” at Paço Imperial (1996). In 2001, her work was displayed at 7th International Painting Biennial of Cuenca (Equator) and at “Arte Contemporânea Brasileira” organized by National Fine Arts’ Gallery of Beijing, China.

In 2002, she took part in “Tangenciando Amilcar”, an additional collective exhibition at Espaço Cultural Santander, in Porto Alegre. In 2003, she exhibited large sized paintings at Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, in São Paulo. In 2005, she participated in the 5th Mercosul Biennial, in Porto Alegre. In 2006, organized a solo exhibition named “Brancos” at Estação Pinacoteca, in São Paulo, also presented at Galeria Raquel Arnaud. In 2008, publisher Cosac Naify launched a book about the artist’s work.

In 2010, Centro Universitário Maria Antonia exhibited her small sized paintings. Célia Euvaldo has been represented by Galeria Raquel Arnaud, Galeria Anita Schwartz and Lemos de Sá Galeria de Arte.



