the presence of absence
may 4 - jun 26_ 2021

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For a long time I thought that absence meant scarcity
And lamented, ignorantly, this scarcity.
Today I do not lament it.
There is no scarcity in absence.
Absence is a state of being.
I feel it, white, and so attached, nestled within my arms,
I laugh and dance and invent cheerful exclamations,
because absence, this assimilated absence,
will never be taken away from me again.
Absence, Carlos Drummond de Andrade
The Raquel Arnaud gallery inaugurates The Presence of Absence exhibition, which brings together a set of 20 works from represented artists and its collection.
The proposal of the exhibition is to invite viewers to look beyond the works possible representations.
An artwork contains its history within itself, told by a certain point of who, why, and how it was created. It carries evidence, recognizable remnants which gives space for imagination and evocation. This re(cognition) ends in contemplation and pleasure, connecting the viewer to a presence that transcends the mind and intellect, citing Drummond, a state of being.
Thus, it is possible to say that an artwork has a presence, but it also has an absence, which remains suspended at the faint threshold that brings the two together.
The works in the exhibition cloud certainties and (pre)conceptions, allowing new realities to be unveiled.
Works by Anne Blanchet, Carla Chaim, Célia Euvaldo, Daniel Feingold, Ding Musa, Elisa Bracher,Geórgia Kyriakakis, Iñaki Domingues, Iole de Freitas, Richard Serra, Sergio Camargo, Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Shirley Paes Leme, Tuneu, Waltercio Caldas e Wolfram Ullrich in different supports, allowing the subjective perception to go beyond the distinct and indistinct limits of representation and formalism.
Exhibition: The Presence of Absence
From the 19 of April to the 5 of June 2021
Telephone 11. 3083-6322, e-mail
Galeria Raquel Arnaud
Rua Fidalga, 125 – Vila Madalena – telephone: +55 11 3083-6322
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