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elizabeth jobim_untitled_2023

elizabeth jobim_untitled_2023

elizabeth jobim_untitled_2012

elizabeth jobim_block_2017
born in rio de janeiro_ brazil_ 1957_ lives and works in rio de janeiro
Designer, painter, and engraver Elizabeth Jobim held her first exhibitions in the 1980s, seeking an up-to-date understanding of painting and a sensorial and subjective interpretation of the world and objects. In the 1990s, the artist resumed her practice of still life, starting by the observation of small stones.
In the 2000s, Elizabeth Jobim expands and intensifies the dialogues between painting and the space that surrounds it through the creation of large pictorial installations with modulated parts, whose sophisticated simplicity appropriates the empty spaces between the parts in order to accentuate not only the colors but the relation between the work, the architecture and the spectator. Her work, in continuous process of detaching from the wall, occupying the space, and creating voids, acquires a hybrid character between painting, sculpture, and installation. Elizabeth Jobim has a degree in Visual Communications from PUC-RJ, where she specialized in Art History and Architecture in Brazil. She also holds a master’s degree from the School of Visual Arts (New York). She studied drawing and painting with Anna Bella Geiger, Aluísio Carvão and Eduardo Sued at MAM in Rio de Janeiro. In 1994, she lectured at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage.
Highlights of individual shows: Endless Lines (New York, 2008); Em azul (São Paulo, 2010); Blocos (Rio de Janeiro, 2013); Variações (Rio de Janeiro, 2019). Among her collective exhibitions, the standouts are: Como vai você, Geração 80? (Rio de Janeiro, 1984); Panorama da arte atual brasileira (São Paulo, 1990); MFA Fine Arts: Selections from the Special Projects (New York, 1992); 5ª Bienal do Mercosul (2005); Mulheres na Coleção MAR (2018). Her work is part of important collections, like that of MAM do Rio de Janeiro, MAM de São Paulo, Museu de Arte do Rio, Pinacoteca de São Paulo and the Bronx Museum of the Arts.

elizabeth jobim_ the blooming line
set 23 - nov 04_ 2023