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caracas, venezuela, 1965 – lives and works in paris, france

Elias Crespin started off his career as a computer science engineer in Caracas. His work on software programming inspired his first sculptural experimentations in 2002, leading to the creation two years later of his first work, Malla Electrocinética I, 2004. His practice is at the crossroads of kinetic art and robotics. It draws both from the history of geometric abstraction and his profound knowledge of computer programming, and questions the interactions of art and technology.

Since 2008, he is based in Paris, France. In 2020, he inaugurated L’Onde du Midi, a permanent artwork commissioned by the Musée du Louvre for the museum’s galleries, hovering over 19th century stairs.

Crespin’s works feature in the collection of internationally renowned institutions, such as the Musée du Louvre, Paris, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, El Museo del Barrio, New York, the MALBA and the Museo de Bellas Artes of Buenos Aires. They were shown in important exhibitions at the Galeries du Grand Palais, Paris, the ZKM Center for arts and media, Karlsruhe, the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, and the Musée de la Musique, Paris.

