iole de freitas_ the imminence of gesture: from photography to sculpture
aug 26 - nov 04_ 2023

Galeria Raquel Arnaud opens on august 26, saturday, at 11am, the exhibition “The imminence of the gesture: from photography to sculpture” from the artist Iole de Freitas. Concurrently, the individual exhibitions “Imagem como presença” at Instituto Moreira Salles, and “Colapsada, em pé” at Instituto Tomie Ohtake, both open until the end of september, the gallery gathers photographs conceived in the seventies and recent sculptures. Three exhibitions that complement and run through the rich production of Iole de Freitas.
In the first floor of the gallery there is a selection of photographic sequences that tells the narrative of the initial phase of the artist, in dialogue with her recent sculptural production. Fleeting images, ethereal and fragmented that were captured from the displacement of the artist in internal spaces, like her own studio. The series Glass Pieces, Life Slices, shown at the exhibition Radical Women Latin American Art 1960-1985 is one of the highlights. From mirrors and sharp objects, like knifes, Iole creates photographic sequences that emerge the imminence of a action.
In her most recent sculptures, Iole imprints movements in stainless steel sheets and they seem to freeze certain gestures. While sugesting lightness, these objects have fine and sharp points. They are delicate and pointed. Each sculpture has a different treatment of the steel and, therefore, the light absorbs or reflects in distinct ways. Light and lightness are themes in the series Spectro, that captures different angles and movements of the artist’s body, and Roots, that registers Iole’s feet.
Exhibition: Iole de Freitas_ The imminence of gesture: from photography to sculpture
Visitation: until November 4, 2023 (free admission)
Phone 11. 3083-6322, e-mail
Raquel Arnaud Gallery
Rua Fidalga, 125 – Vila Madalena