I thought it was just me
feb 02 - mar 16_2013

One of the main Brazilian photographers, coveted in the field of reproduction of works of art, Romulo Fialdini (Belo Horizonte, 1947), in his first solo show at Galeria Raquel Arnaud, reveals his unique poetics by presenting 24 authorial photographs. I thought it was just me, brings together images selected by the curator Galciani Neves, which are part of a book of the same name, which will be released by the publisher Super Bacana, at the opening of the exhibition, with about 100 photographs, in black and white, conceived at the throughout the photographer’s extensive career.
For the exhibition, the curator highlights the images that highlight the uniqueness of the photographer’s compositions from his perspective on architecture and urban spaces. “Romulo looks for the cracks of the city, corners little explored by the hasty gaze, and even the captured portraits of anonymous people that are part of the show are inserted in the plots of urban space”, says Neves.
For the book, the curator researched Romulo’s authorial archive, which contains more than 8,000 photos. According to her, the selected works are time clippings distanced from the flow of life, as a break from the rhythm of consumption of fast images tied to artificial appeals. “For this: wanderings cutting through the urban fabric, the accidents of everyday life, or, sometimes, the attentive walk to peek at the inhospitable contours of things already seen so much, the nameless voids, the unimaginable architectures, the picturesque faces”, writes the curator…
Rômulo Fialdini was a photographer at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand from 1971 to 1974, where he produced images for catalogs, and books by Pietro Maria Bardi, and for the archive of documents by Lina Bo Bardi. This experience had repercussions on his career and to this day he stands out as a specialist photographer in the reproduction of works of art. Since 1975 he has worked as an independent photographer, also working in the editorial and advertising fields. In parallel, he dedicates himself to urban and architectural photography, carrying out essays in black and white on cities such as New York, Chicago, and Montevideo.